Another month of stroppy weather. The fourth saw the hottest day of the year and whilst we were forecast thunderstorms on several occasions, the weather was rough, changeable and on occasion tempestuous.
Preparations were made to try to lessen the effect of strong winds and heavy downpouring. This was often tricky due to vulnerable plants being in the middle of planted beds. The soil as also so dry and stony, that even trying to hammer supportive stakes proved to be pointless.
Preparing for the winds. Reusable string ties.
There were some casualties. The arbutus has had two winters of strong wind and despite staking, tying and propping, still grows strongly – but in its own direction.

As usual it wasn’t only the weather which damaged plants.
Others noticed in the garden …

There were also butterflies and dragonflies but most of these were captured on the iPhone (time has not permitted me to download as yet), or video recorded. The videos of bees and butterflies provide inexplicable delight and will be shared at some point.
Developments of various kinds continue in the garden around gardening and practice. The eighty year old shed has moved with us from our second house and travelled the country over the years. Repairing and revamping it is proving to be a mathematical conundrum.

Practice involves, recording, collecting, sorting preserving storing plants and trilaling materials for use in the exhibition pieces.

There was plenty to see …
… and some produce. When weather and other damage had been avoided.

Best of all the bees (they adore borage as later video recordings will demonstrate) …

… and butterflies. Painted Ladies created a kinetic’ Where’s Wally?

The sky at the end of the month was as sensational as the beginning.