It is uplifting to hear the low drone of bees and other pollinators and to observe their various methods of entering and leaving flowers – some more successful than others. Pausing, listening to the busy business of the bees at their business, smelling rich fragrances given off by the flowers in the powerful heat, absorbing the bright deep colours of the petals is a kaleidoscope for the senses. It is mesmerising, both soothing and energising, drawing the eyes from here to there and elsewhere – always something to be noted.
Blue flowers appeal to many pollinators.

These are also pollinators.

Garden visitors are not always solitary.

This tiny mouse has been enjoying food set out for birds.

The female blackbird visits regularly. unlike the very confident squirrels, she is difficult to photograph.
I am accustomed to humans moving items around the garden, but this helps to explain why my stock of special leaves for tying keeps diminishing in size.